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Saturday, January 30, 2010 Y 10:44:00 PM

been 3 days since my 14th bday.. i feel so old.. zinnia twin too! we old ladies xD haha! rite, so on tt fateful day..

[Rewind] 3 Days Ago.. (27 January 2010)

Took dad's car to sch, dint tke 161 coz i brought tidbits for the class [BIG BAGS] yep, sng was disappointed coz she wanted to sing bday song wif joanna on the bus. NO WAY! rite so anywae, dumped my stuff @ my seat in the quadrangle [Mich C was staring @ my bags with her eyes WIDE OPEN] LOL! aww, i gt a hug frm her :D slowly.. ppl came to sch, shook my hand n said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO!" and it was getting LOUDER. oh gosh.. lata, ppl started gving me cards.. aww... so sweet! Yi Jia, Sng, Mich C n Belicia gave me a scrapbook! THEY DECO FOR ME! SO CUTE!!! n thn i jz started crying! so touched! T.T! so emotional... sng hugged me :D aww... we went to gate to w8 for zee [go to her blog to look @ her point of view] whn we saw her, we practically dumped BAGS of presents on her! i gave her a dog! o.O zee gave me a box of choco. she wn me to b FAT! HAHA! wen bk to quadrangle to sit, sat on yi jia's foot instead. [WOOPS!] psps :x i laughed like mad. sry Mao! ppl sang bday song for zee n me.. so swt.. xD tt's ONE!

In Class
Zee, Serene, Wei Lin, COPR n COSB gave me a HAND MADE PENCIL CASE! VEH COOL SIA! nxt time show u, my nicknames r thr! :D ok... so SOMEBODY told Ms Tan it was our bday. whole class sang bday song for us. tt's TWO! we had to gv a speech.. anyhow said mine :D wen for art, Mich C, Yi Jia, Sng and Beli sang AGAIN! tt's THREE! recess gave out the tidbits to class. tey liked thm ^^ slacked in class..

SANG AGAIN! FOUR! LOL! [zee, u 4gt to add in tis 1]

GEO MASS LECTURE [All Express Classes]
2A-2F... scary mann... thn like SANG TWICE! OMG... tt's FiVE and SIX!

gave ALL MY SENIORS lollipops! Chester was mumbling sth abt forgetting sth.. Sec 3 seniors + Ying Yi gave me PUPPY toy! [zee, it's the same 1 u gave me LAST YR] haha! had fun in band. lata, Clarine n Chester started singing bday song. thn the WHOLE BAND JOINED IN! tt's SEVEN! wow.. 7 bday songs in a day...

had CRABS!! YAY!! HAHA! yum yum! sang bday song AGAIN! no w8, tt's EIGHT in a day.

so yep, tt's hw my day wen. tis was the onli day i felt so special. i was realli happy, touched... [silent]

PS: i'll show u guys the presents nxt time :D

The memories that were left abandoned.

Monday, January 25, 2010 Y 8:22:00 PM

Long time no post.. Been super bz. -stares @ tt pile of hmwk- see wad i mean? tchrs r super evil. haiz.. im kinda tking a br8 nw bah. so im blogging nw. :D

oh well, things arent as fun as last yr.. i used to spent most of my time laughin wif my best frens n kitties.. bt nw.. haizzz... i dk wads happening. seems like we'r drifting apart. or mayb i jz lost my sense of humor. everyone seems to b emo-ing in sch. sometimes u'll c me staring @ the door (since im seated @ the frnt) or u'll c me readin bks alone. wads wrong wif me?

furthermore, realli pissed of wif some ppl [good thing tey arent frm my class] if u guys noe hu im tokin abt, dun sae yeah? realli realli feel like bashing thm. [zee n sng, u noe hu im tokin abt nw..] tink tey so cool ah? PUI! come on mann! i dun usually get pissed off wif ppl, bt mayb it's the stress tt's killing me... or mayb.. it's tt 1 person...

i jz wna hide. thr's nth else i cn sae... [goin emo - wna do wk]

PS: o.O bdae coming~ well @ least thr's sth nice tt would happen soon.. i tink?

The memories that were left abandoned.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 Y 5:56:00 PM

YEAH! Since our school made a great improvement in the O levels, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A HALF DAY in school! WEEEEEEE~ HAHA! Isnt that cool? ^^ No band practice tomorrow. D: Oh well, at least i get to go home and sleep! Didnt sleep much these few days, see my dark rings? Dont i look like a panda? :D LOL! Been pretty busy these few days, tons of homework to finish. i only had 5 hours of sleep each day. T.T! Planning to complete most of the work tomorrow. Hmm.. i seemed to be using proper words. Ms Tan said MUST BLOG OFTEN [of course, in PROPER ENG!] ROFL!

Today was a sucess! WEI LIN HAD A SURPRISE! We celebrated her birthday around 3 plus today. Even though her birthday had already passed, we decided to have a "make-up party" for her as most of us could'nt attend her party. HEHE! The cake was nice... Mmmm.... HAHA! Hope she enjoyed herself. I think Zinnia/COPR/Weilin/COSB are going to post a few pictures on their blogs. You can go to their blogs under my links. ^^ HAHA! Ok, got to go already, time for work! BYE!!! :D

PS: proper eng sucks, sounds like compo... I QUIT! I WN USE SLANGS~ ^^

The memories that were left abandoned.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Y 9:31:00 PM

soz um been veh bz aft the sec 1 camp. =.=! sec 1 noisy lehh... made me lose my voice. o.o! nw ok le bahh... so um, basically, i 4gt wad happened durin the camp.. STM ps :X n nw im bz choinging hmwk. so much to catch up! missed 2 days of lesson NIA! haizz.. so like, yea.. sec 2 life is tough.. == oh well, HAPPY 14th BDAE TO WEILIN!!! i still duno wad to gv her, owe her 1st ba! ^^ HAHA!!! zee twin n my bdae oso comin... MOZART too! we 3 same dae! hehe :D hmm.. tmr sec 1 lai audition for band, i duno hw tch thm play instru leh. LOL! btw, heard thr's gna b a buffet wif mr png n mr lam tis sun @ dwntwn east? hu goin uh? o.O! mr glosz n mr pang r our new conductors. HAHA! tis wk my turn to raise hokkien huay kuan flag, i 1st dae blur blur leh. LOL! nw okok bah, jz tt dunno hw to tie. ROFL! okok wont post much le bahhs. nid study! :x seeya!

The memories that were left abandoned.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Y 8:34:00 PM

okok super quick post. i'll blog abt sch nxt time yeahh? tmr till sat nid help out wif de sec 1 orientation camp worr.. will b missing lessons. slping overnite in sch ba.. so, yeah, mayb u mite see me arnd, bt i running everywhr de. LOL! come tag wo de cbox, bt i'll reply soon.. nt nw... soon.. i sae SOON ah! REAL SOON! ROFL! okok, tmr 6.45am nid rch sch sia, so cya!!!

Streaming yr.. nid study hard liao. O.o

The memories that were left abandoned.

Friday, January 1, 2010 Y 3:40:00 PM

A New Beginning... :D haha! hmm... lata going safra wif cuz.. go beach/bowling/arcade... yeahh... LOL! heh.. sch gna reopen liao. whn tt happens, im nt gna maple anymre. lvl 73 liaos. yay! been slacking in maple. LOL! anywae, nwadays oso go out, no time play. o.O

Enjoy ur 1st dae of 2010 peeps! <333 all my frens! xD

Time Flies.... Another Year Gone.. [Emoing nwadays... D:]

PS: shoot, im getting older! 26 mre daes to my bdae!!!

My 2010 Resolution: Study hard, no mre slacking.. :x

I miss my 1D frens.. D: Moving on to 2D... heng we moving up together as a class. rotting @ hme, I WAN GO BAK SCH! 3 MRE DAYS!!!

i super random.. D= sad luhh... Fren [nt my sch de] ignoring me.. T.T Sorry..

The memories that were left abandoned.


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That girl you should know about.

Jolene, that's me! :]
You can call me Potato, Potato cat, Miaow, Jo, Ah Jo, Keeeeety~ or Xiao Mao Mi :x
First cry's on the 27 Jan 1996
I’m 13 14 15 this year xD
Favourite thing of all is my soft toy kitty :P
<3 my Family and Frens!
Currently studying in HIPS NCHS
My crazy, noisy and lovable Die Die Must Try AHAHAHAHAHA class is 1D 2D 3A (:
My rock and roll CCA is Band
My fav characs IN MAPLESTORY are..
yokittyz (LVL 71 Priest) shootkittyz (LVL 73 Wind Breaker) in AQULIA

Desire <33

-->New wallet
-->Soft toy cat
-->NO homework!
-->No stress!
-->New computer
-->New handphone [X6 {pink}]
-->New bag
-->That person to STOP following me. STALKER RAWR!
-->No more arguments.... Please?
-->My OWN photo album
-->My OWN camera
-->My OWN laptop

More than words.

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