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Friday, April 30, 2010 Y 10:05:00 PM

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down probably will. You'll have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when someone broke yours. You'll fight with your best friend, and maybe fall in love with them. [umm.. mayb not for me :D] You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone close to you. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Thanks twin, but I'm already hurt...

The memories that were left abandoned.

Y 9:27:00 PM

Surprisingly, i cried in class today. I thought I could control myself, but..

1) I'm tired. [Slept @ 1am plus]
2) I'm stressed
3) So many things, yet so little time.
4) I feel left out...
5) Personal stuff.


I want my twin [ZINNIA] and Tomato [Wei Lin] and Marilyn <333
Weilin, I'm THE EMO KID....

The memories that were left abandoned.

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Y 4:40:00 PM

I have so many things to complain about. Too many. I should probably just forget you. Forget I ever met you. I feel miserable. I feel stupid. I feel gloomy. I feel depressed. I feel unhappy. I feel tired. All because of you. You made me like this. I HATE YOU.

Playing With Fire [N-Dubz feat Mr Hudson]

I don't slip or trip when she asks me where I've been (Where you been)
One big smile on my face zip it darling it's just you and me (You and me)
Now I'm on some Alfie behaviour, I'll call you back later
Too many fish in the sea for me
But when the lights come on, and what's her name is gone
I realise where I'm supposed to be

I tried to believe every word of your sweet story
But intuition keeps telling me
You're making a fool outta me

'Cause I'm such a good liar
Just admit it (I never did it)
Yes you did it (No I didn't)
I'm playing with fire
Just admit it (I never did it)
I know you did it (No I didn't)
Yes you did
'Cause I'm such a good liar

I can't help myself, I keep playing with fire

Thoughts running right through the night as I watch you sleep
(She's gettin' closer)
I can't help but check his text, while he's passed out next to me
(It's only a matter of time)
I'm on some CSI behaviour, who's gonna save ya
You'll be the fool when the truth comes out
So when those lights come on, and what's her face is gone
We're straight back to the same routine

I tried to believe every word of your sweet story
But intuition keeps telling me
You're making a fool outta me

'Cause I'm such a good liar
Just admit it (I never did it)
Yes you did it (No I didn't)
I'm playing with fire
Just admit it (I never did it)
I know you did it (No I didn't)
Yes you did
'Cause I'm such a good liar

I can't help myself, I keep playing with fire

Living life in disguise, can't keep up with these lies
You do anything to try and catch me out, but I never leave no signs
In my heart we was meant to be
But guys like me be like two or three
I can't help myself I love girls, I can't kick out playing with fire

I can't kick out playing with fire
Playing with fire
Playing with fire

She ain't goin' nowhere
Know why?

'Cause I'm such a good liar
Just admit it (I never did it)
Yes you did it (No I didn't)
I'm playing with fire
Just admit it (I never did it)
I know you did it (No I didn't)
Yes you did
'Cause I'm such a good liar
Just admit it (I never did it)
Yes you did it (No I didn't)
I'm playing with fire
Just admit it (I never did it)
I know you did it (No I didn't)
Yes you did
'Cause I'm such a good liar

I can't help myself, I keep playing with fire

I'm such a good liar


The memories that were left abandoned.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Y 8:55:00 PM

why do parents have to have such high expectations that they stress their children out like hell?
why do children have to always listen to parents and teachers?
why can't we have our freedom and be a little more relaxed?
why do they care so much about marks?
why do we have to have education?
why do teachers give tests like free tissue papers?
why are people cruel that made life cruel too?
why do people do such things?
why do they think only about themselves, basically, selfish?
why do they do things just for the fun of it and not think maturely?
why do they leave things to the elders when it's them who created the trouble?
why are they not mature enough to think about the consequences when they're actually so much older than me? [even i know how to think logically, sensibly]
why do people only think they themselves are right and others are ALWAYS wrong?
why do they not admit their mistakes?
why do they not do what they always promise?
why do people complain when they are also at fault too?
why are people so bitchy?
why do people not listen to me?
why am i always being left out?
why do they only concern about themselves?
why do they always complain to others about themselves?
why do we always have to listen to people of higher authority?
why are they superior?
why do they have the command?
why are they so irritating?
why can't they have the correct mind set or just think more maturely?
why can't they just be more sensible and try to make it more peaceful which will therefore make their lives better, not as torturous?
why are humans so practical?
why are we humans?
why are we made?
why was there this universe?

I noe how u feel weilin. D:

The memories that were left abandoned.

Y 7:29:00 PM



The memories that were left abandoned.

Y 7:14:00 PM


i feel.... sick. sick of everything. sick and tired. haiz. no point crying over such a thing. wad's done cnnot be undone. alot of things chnged overnite. i dk wad to do. cried before sci test today. realli stressed, nt jz sch, bt... sigh. i feel... lost. too many things happening at the same time. too much emotions - overloaded. fiting bak tears.

pls dun chng ur attitude towards me... im begging u. pls?

The memories that were left abandoned.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Y 5:20:00 PM

Specially dedicated to Claire Ng, Alvin Tan and Eugene Sim:

HOHO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 14 years old le! Same as me! We are soooooo OLD! HAHA! Jiayous in everything kayy? ^^ hehe! haha! LOL!

Short n Sweet :)

super bz. lots of hmwk. tests. projs. and im still coughing. jz had el oral, hope i didnt screw it up. (: im going for band tml - kinda missing it. D: mid yr exams coming. good luck! O.o

YIPPE! IT'S FINALLY RAINING! The sky looked like it had constipation 2 hours ago. Oh well...

The memories that were left abandoned.

Friday, April 16, 2010 Y 8:51:00 PM

yst, cold sweat like mad. now im called "vampire cat?" LOL! i dun like to drink blood. =.=
today Sports Day. heh. dint run. actually, i cnnot run. 1 week mc for pe. crap. ok we dint win the dance. bt it's ok. wont die 1. hmm, so basically, i jz sat thr n stared into space for the whole event. o yeah, and coughed n coughed n coughed. felt like vomitting. argh! @ least i've gt my voice bak. dancing i oso coughin. lol. n i dropped my hat while doin the split! =.= aiya, nvm la. be4 goin hme, i saw my uncle leh! he brought the maris stella pri kids. heh!
as u cn see, 1/4 of my class FELL SICK! like, OMG. haiz. the school gv proj + hmwk + so many events + tests. whr gt time to slp la? u tell me? zz. ****
ok so i choinged my hmwk. tml goin to sch, again. thn afternoon goin to uncle's hse celeb BABY JOSH's 1 month bday :D hehe!

wanted to say smething, bt i 4gt..

(5 mins later...)


(Another 5 mins later...)

OH YA! joanna brought Maximum Ride to read! becoz of BELICIA and YIJIA, im addicted to tt book. she was reading the 6th bk. i read the bak, n i cried...... sad ending. D: i tink beli is gna forbid me to read. :x if my frens werent thr, i would jz cry n cry n cry. the story's so touching... T.T

The memories that were left abandoned.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Y 4:49:00 PM

today nv go sch. crap. i nearly fainted this morning. i saw black spots, thn i jz fell on the floor. n my mum was still nagging. quite pissed with her. nvm. wen to c doc jz nw. he gave me 2 days mc - 2day n tml. n my mum wants me to go to sch tml for the hys quiz. walao. im alr nt feelin well, she still wn me to study now. sng jz passed me my hmwk. [poor thing, she's nt comin to sch tml] maths hmwk. **** i nv come for 1 day onli, tt ong tch so faz. zzz wadev, maths is easy. esp algebra. algebra is cool. yst fever was 38.9. n i was doin maths test. my fever immediately wen dwn aft maths test. so pro rite? i must b mad. so.. now i cnt run on fri. stupid la. gt into the 4 by 100m race leh. n the dance. aiya, c 1st la. nw doin maths hmwk. darn lazy to study for hys. anyway, it's nt included in the overall mark. wadev la. my voice sounds so croaky. heh.

i wasnt even supposed to go to sch on tue. i wen becoz of maths test. n guess wad? i bet u dun even care if im sick anot. u jz wn me to go to sch n study n study n study. hello? doc told me to stay @ hme tml, n u WANT ME TO GO TO SCH. so it doesnt matter if i faint yea? i tink u wont even care if i told u tt my highest temp yst was 39.5.

ty beli, yijia n sng for the get well soon card. :D n twin, dun b sad. xD

The memories that were left abandoned.

Monday, April 12, 2010 Y 7:07:00 PM

Kay. This is crap.
Sore throat and cough since morning. Now fever - 38.2 degrees. Math Test tomorrow. Followed by rehersal for councillor investiture. Omg. I'm going to crash soon...

The memories that were left abandoned.

Friday, April 9, 2010 Y 8:13:00 PM

okok fine. Fornication Under the Concept Consent of the King. {FUCK} =.= dots.
rehersals + rehersals + projs + remedials + rehersals. im gna die. rawr. tml's the concert alr. AHHHHH! hv to b in sch by 11am. T.T I WANNA SLP! nvm.... my panda eyes r gonna b really serious. bleh.

for the past few days, alot of things happened. i was super tired + angry + sad + SUPER DUPER IRRITATED WITH ECB. fornication. i hate her. grr. i nearly exploded during rehersal today. sheesh. i wna scratch her. Bitch.

wen to nanyang poly for rehersal. the auditorium was like HUGE. man i love the stage. super cool. haha.

cnt be to happy for long, with HER AROUND. WHY does she hv to follow whrever we go? fornication. zzz

doing art now. heh. weekends burn alr. sat performance. sun go to yijia's hse to do proj. :D

STUPID BITCH. ECB. damn it, i feel like kicking u out of the grp, n im the ldr. HAH! u suck BIG TIME. i told u nt to mess with me. fornication.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Y 8:57:00 PM

yes weilin, Fornication Under the Concept of the King. [FUCK] i am dam bloody hell angry.

first, she make my bro cry. second, me. WHY must IT always happen this way?

Case 1:
mum scold bro. bro scream. dad scold mum. results: i no appetite eat.

Case 2:
dental appt has to b 7 days apart. 3 times. which means 3 wks. doc is onli free on tue. if chng, nid to w8 four yrs. 31 may-1 june malacca trip. 1 june is a tue. so dental appt will be 8 june, 15 june n 22 june. 14-16 june camp. so how?

ME: y must b tue? wad if other ppl tue cnnot thn wad, wait another 4 yrs?
MUM: i tell u, dont doubt me. final say.



The memories that were left abandoned.

Monday, April 5, 2010 Y 8:17:00 PM

free free free! FREE FOR 2 HOURS! HAH! luckily today's rehersal cancelled. bt tml FULL DRESS REHERSAL! T.T! aww...

today's a ****-ing day.

1st) Maths remedial frm 2.30pm-3.30pm [And MRS WEE ALR TOOK THE SLOT FOR H.E.] **** tt mrs ong la. BUT! Mr fumin wna chk files today. So.... NO MATHS! HAH!
2nd) Change EL tchr, AGAIN! wads wrong wif ONE little prank? DUDE! stupid mdm tan. complain complain complain.
3rd) Class Dance [get over wif it alr]
4th) Class Tee [nth to say] Thank you Jasmine Wong for comforting me.
5th) NO RECESS becoz of dance. LATE LUNCH coz of Class Tee. pek cek la. i gt gastric prob 1 u noe...... walao. ****

i tink the one n onli best thing tt happened today was chun ming n clarence conversation. funny ppl. lol.

Lit proj
IT hmwk
IPW proj
History proj


i wn to cry alr la. whye must u upset me over n over again?

The memories that were left abandoned.

Sunday, April 4, 2010 Y 11:21:00 AM

hihi! hahas! dint use the com for 1 WHOLE WEEK :D super bzbzbzbz! RAWR! ok so umm.. let' c... aiya, mon n tue BLAH BLAH BLAH. wed rehersal for public performance. COMING LIAOS LEH! AHHHH! rite thurs...

thurs ahh? we did this prank in the morning. like some ppl frm 2D, 2E n 2F switch classes. i was in 2F, veh noisy leh =.= bt the chairman veh funny. he tok like tchr. LOL! whn tchr came in, i kept giggling. i dk y. HAHA! whn she said tke out sci practical bk n wb, i was like UHOH! my bks in 2D! HEHE! aft a while, she realised she was being pranked. she still ask us to intro ourselves. ROFL!

2E - Mr Quek realised it VEH fast, coz he noes my classmates. HAHA!
2D - WHAT'S UR PROB LA? April fool onli wad. SOOOOO HUMORLESS. hate Mdm Tan. I WAN MS TAN!

aiya, ALL MY TCHRS SO LAME 1 LA. tt mrs ong oso, prank her nt fun 1. stupid.

aftnoon, had duty for the chinese writing competition. Brr~ so cold. =.=
6 plus, wen to junice's bday pt. the present presentation time was...... omg. dun remind me. xD

hmm. fri.. @ nite wen swimming @ cuz's condo. thn wen to tapiness 1 to eat sushi. :D NOW I NOE WHR'S MERIDIAN JC! LOL!

yesterday had tuition. choinged hmwk.

n here i am. lazy elab. :x

Stop ignoring me. Please? [Ji Dan Chao Yao Dan!!!] :D

The memories that were left abandoned.


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That girl you should know about.

Jolene, that's me! :]
You can call me Potato, Potato cat, Miaow, Jo, Ah Jo, Keeeeety~ or Xiao Mao Mi :x
First cry's on the 27 Jan 1996
I’m 13 14 15 this year xD
Favourite thing of all is my soft toy kitty :P
<3 my Family and Frens!
Currently studying in HIPS NCHS
My crazy, noisy and lovable Die Die Must Try AHAHAHAHAHA class is 1D 2D 3A (:
My rock and roll CCA is Band
My fav characs IN MAPLESTORY are..
yokittyz (LVL 71 Priest) shootkittyz (LVL 73 Wind Breaker) in AQULIA

Desire <33

-->New wallet
-->Soft toy cat
-->NO homework!
-->No stress!
-->New computer
-->New handphone [X6 {pink}]
-->New bag
-->That person to STOP following me. STALKER RAWR!
-->No more arguments.... Please?
-->My OWN photo album
-->My OWN camera
-->My OWN laptop

More than words.

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