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Tuesday, May 25, 2010 Y 9:01:00 PM


let's c.. I think that teachers fail their maths. Wanna noe y? FIRSTLY, Mr Chong forgt my 2 MARKS. So it's 80 82. AHH. SECONDLY, Mr Neo wrote 51 for my hist paper instead of 61! RAWR. THIRDLY, Mrs Wee [omg, if u weren't my fav tchr, i dk wad i'll do.] gave me 5/50 for home ec PROJECT when it's supposed to be 35/50. OMGGGGG! I saw my overall - 50.1! I wanted to faint. OMGGG. ARGH. ok @ least it's chnged nw. haha!

rite, the stupid assembly made me wanna SLP AND we DID not have LUNCH coz of ARCHERY. TSK. WHY can't our sch plan things more ORDERLY?! Everything clashes together. Poor Daph. HAIZ. So, WE were HUNGRY throughout everything and DURING RECESS, the SEC 3s HAD theirs with Sec 1 and 2. SO THE CANTEEN was FLOODED. How to EAT?! Btw, durin the scouts intro thingy, met some brainless ppl who really are F****-ing shitz. Grr. Whatever.

Anyway, it ended @ arnd 5 plus. Went to cp with mao, sng and beli to BUY sth TO EAT. Blehx. Btw this was funny:

[Aft Sng went home...]

Beli: Oh gosh, we gotta finsh eating before we go into the library.
Yi Jia: OH yea.
Me: Wait ah, since you guys are eating, I shall buy drink first.

[5 Mins later...]

Me: Yo cat. Wadcha doing here?
Yi Jia: Buying drink?
Me: o.O -packs stuff in bag-

[2 Mins later...]

Me: Eh Beli? You bought drink too?
Beli: Yea.

[Seconds later, when the 3 of us were back...]

Beli: Wait, I just realised something.
Me: What?
Beli: We can't bring drinks into the library. Gosh I feel stupid.
Me n Yi Jia: Okayyy... :x oops.

LOL! Bt anyway, we took beli's drink. While she was in the library, we went arnd looking for stuff. Dad came to fetch me @ 6 plus. xD n home sweet home~

YO. Must YOU have EVERYONE, EVERYBODY by YOUR SIDE? BECAUSE of YOU, I gt "KICKED". WTF. WTH. Fuck you la. YOU PLAYED till very FUN hor? Annoying bitch, YOU'RE a FREELOADER.


PHEW~ I wanted to type something else. Bt... Nvm. Forget it. Worthless thing.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Monday, May 24, 2010 Y 9:00:00 PM

hi guys.
yes, MYE papers r over. big deal. nt much of a diff to me. kay fine.

ok day for me. i jus love beli's cookies n lin's beehoon. go to fb to see the pics. i saw a bitch thr n i was really f***-ed up. bt nvm. forget it. i skipped the water games. wen to play in the rain instead. wen to the playgrnd lata. quite fun. kay. sry no mood to elab. aft tt started bbq. quite a failure in the begginning, bt it was ok lata on. 6 plus wen to ehub to buy butter for chicken. ate the bbq food n wen to tke pics @ 7 plus. wen hme @ 8 plus. thx to yijia for the ride.

wen arnd sg to buy clothes. lazy elab. seriously, i dun hv the mood now.

fri-normal stupid life
sch n band. band was fun. gt bak results too. will post everythin nxt time.

sat-tuition torture life
tuition. no rest. f***

bought new hp @ bugis junction. kay. quite nice. simple. just like me. plain.

sch n band. sectionals was ok. gt bak some more results. fine. i heck cares. wadever results i get bak, whether it's gd or bad, my life still remains the same. im stupid. yes, stupid retarded cat who onli knows tt she is living in a "prison". like seriously. wadev. i hate the world. i hate you. i hate everyone. even more, i hate myself, for being stupid stupid n stupid. fornication.

i dk wad my mum wants. jz becoz my chin was bad, she hv to do this to me. why. why. why. so my maths n sci [nt boasting, sry] do nt count in the results? onli my languages n humanities? she like to look @ my flaws so much? fine. THEN GOODBYE.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Y 7:45:00 PM

hi. post the week next time. should i just, commit suicide? bt tat will be running away frm reality. i dk wad to do. i hate my life. why did i even exist? i dun wn to exist, because it kills me.

the people i needed more than anything opposed me, and they are my closest ppl in the world.

crying wont help solve the prob. bt i cnt tke it anymre. i am strong, bt nt tt strong.

the world breaks apart before me.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Y 9:36:00 PM

YAY! LAST paper tomorrow! MWHAHAHAHA! Mon's Sci was... AHEM. Maybe will die, maybe not. Today's Home Econ was... Two words - GG. I'm so dead. Tomorrow Lit... thn... BBQ TIME YAY!!! :D :D :D :D :D I studied Lit for... 20mins. HAHA! Woah, my bag so bulky. So many clothes. HAHA! YAY I can't wait xD SEEYA GUYS!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!

The memories that were left abandoned.

Sunday, May 16, 2010 Y 7:35:00 PM

Wicked week.

WHOOO. It seems that I've been FLIRTING with "boys" lately. :x First was English, followed by Higher Chinese, Geography, Art, History [YOU SUCK] and Maths! Now I'm tryin to woo Science, Home Econ and Lit! MWHAHAHAHA

Ok, I was just joking, yeah? HAHA! Ok, let's see. It's still MYE, and I'M NOT REVISING! LOL! Well, I spent the WHOLE afternoon revising for Science. Left with 1 and a half chap. xD Shall finish it after blogging :D

Hmm. Mon's English was ok, I think? Tue's Chinese too. Wed's Geo and Art were managable. I still had time to sleep :x Thur's History... I WAS LEFT WITH 0 MIN!!! RAWR! AHHH! LOL! Fri's Maths was ok too. :D So I'm left with Science, Home Econ and Lit. THN...... BOOMZ!!!

HEH. Guess wad? WAD? 2D IS GONNA HAVE A BBQ AT PASIR RIS PARK AFTER LIT PAPER! WAD? IS THIS MAY'S FOOL? NO, IT ISN'T! WEEEEEEEE~ Haha! I'm so HAPPY ^^ YAY! Thanks to Le'Schane and Wei Lin~~~ :D :D :D I can't wait! Teehee~

HAHA! Ok, I'm late. My "date" Science is waiting for me! BYEBYE!!! xD JIAYOUS! Left 3 PAPER! I'm so HYPER! HAHA!

You've changed... Alot... No comments.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Y 3:10:00 PM

Sometimes By Britney Spears (:

You tell me you're in love with me
Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me
It's not that I don't want to stay
But every time you come too close I move away

I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

I don't wanna be so shy
Every time that I'm alone I wonder why
Hope that you will wait for me
You'll see that you're the only one for me

I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you righ
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

Just hang around and you'll see
There's nowhere I'd rather be
If you love me, trust in me
The way that I trust in you

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right
Be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

The memories that were left abandoned.

Friday, May 7, 2010 Y 3:53:00 PM

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
It takes one person to forgive, it takes two people to be reunited.

We always tell each other to forgive and forget. However, if you do not change your ways, how can you expect us to forgive you? When we try to forget the past, you keep bringing it up by repeating your mistakes. Why do you have to do it?

PS: MYE. Great... Good luck guys. (: I feel like slapping someone now. Fuck.

The memories that were left abandoned.

Monday, May 3, 2010 Y 12:16:00 AM

I spent 2hrs 7 mins discussing Maths with Wei Lin on the phone. HAHAHAHA! Super cool. Finished ALL MY MATHS HOMEWORK! JY TOMATO~ Shall start on Art tomorrow. BYE! :D


Me: Gosh, i wanted to write Angle-Angle-Angle. I wrote Similarity-Similarity-Similarity. LOL


The memories that were left abandoned.

Sunday, May 2, 2010 Y 7:41:00 PM

Heh. My parents and Bro are out. They went to cousin's house. I don't want to go. :x I cannot remember wat i wanted to blog about. Hmph. Thx to everyone who tried to cheer me up. I guess I'm feeling a little better? Haha. Haven't laughed in ages. I meant, real laughter. Hah. I've decided to make my OWN photo album in June, if i have the time. LOL!

Heh. Sometimes, it's pretty retarded if you ask a question that is SUPER OBVIOUS. I mean, though you're concern, it's just that, what you say may cause that particular person to start crying while thinking ABOUT THE PROBLEM. Ok, I'm not pointing my pinkie at anyone [KEETY, pinkie? LOL] but think about it, yeah?

By the way, yesterday I went to cp to look at phones. Realised that Nokia X6 [pink colour] IS OUT OF STOCK! NOOOOOOOO! ARGH!!! But I heard that lots of people are complaining about it. Guess i should wait for another model yeah?

Moving on. Ah! I've finished reading FANG! WOOOOO! Oh, guess what? I STARTED CRYING. AGAIN. Bleh. Fang's a Jerk. HOW could HE LEAVE MAX?! Although he LEFT for GOOD INTENTIONS, BUT HOW COULD HE BE SO CRUEL? Argh! Sad ending. The book's nice though. Hope there's a new one coming out SOON! THANKS BELI FOR INTRODUCING IT TO ME :D <333 Maximum Ride!

Ok, why am i typing crappish things here? I should be chionging maths with WeiLin. Ah well, hate that Ong, give us so much homework. Stupid Quadratic Functions, i don't know how to use the curve ruler. LOL :x

The memories that were left abandoned.


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That girl you should know about.

Jolene, that's me! :]
You can call me Potato, Potato cat, Miaow, Jo, Ah Jo, Keeeeety~ or Xiao Mao Mi :x
First cry's on the 27 Jan 1996
I’m 13 14 15 this year xD
Favourite thing of all is my soft toy kitty :P
<3 my Family and Frens!
Currently studying in HIPS NCHS
My crazy, noisy and lovable Die Die Must Try AHAHAHAHAHA class is 1D 2D 3A (:
My rock and roll CCA is Band
My fav characs IN MAPLESTORY are..
yokittyz (LVL 71 Priest) shootkittyz (LVL 73 Wind Breaker) in AQULIA

Desire <33

-->New wallet
-->Soft toy cat
-->NO homework!
-->No stress!
-->New computer
-->New handphone [X6 {pink}]
-->New bag
-->That person to STOP following me. STALKER RAWR!
-->No more arguments.... Please?
-->My OWN photo album
-->My OWN camera
-->My OWN laptop

More than words.

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